The back to school Shopping trip

Sunday, 1 August 2010

As September approaches and students everywhere start preparing to either start or return to University several important factors need to be taken into consideration.

For those that have already been accepted here is the opportunity to see how your Unversity fares in the league tables. However you are reminded not to forget that there are U niversities that fare appallingly in one academic area and are renowned in others. Bear this in mind when you look at the tables. I recall my late father telling me that statistics can be made to say anything!

The great scouting motto "be prepared" is the first and greatest piece of advice you can be offered when starting on a new academic tier. When at school we would not have turned up without a pen for class so here are a few suggestions.

At University you will attend lectures, these are not quite the same as the fully interactive classes that you will have had at school. The most valuable investment that I ever made in terms of my early university education was a digital voice recorder.

Read the post on taking notes and building up a body of work where this piece of technology becomes a vital tool to success.


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